Sunday, June 12, 2011

Got Milk? Got Gas? Got God?

Did you fill up today? I was running fast, and going strong. He had filled me up, and all was good. But the last few days I haven't delved deep. I've been living on the few awesome moments He gave me the past few days, and the few awesome things I've heard my friends say about Him. But now, I'm running on fumes. I told myself I was going to church this morning, and when I was too tired this morning, I told myself it would be good enough if I just read a little and spent a little time with Him.

But that's not the food I needed. Its not enough gas to keep going. Not getting up and going meant I didn't even have the energy or the focus to really read or spend that time with Him later.

So, in this season of growth, don't ever put spending time with Him off. Don't neglect it either. Your bones need calcium, your car needs gas, your belly needs food, your lamp needs a lightbulb, your mind and body need rest, and your soul (and all of you) needs Him.

My day felt off-kilter. I felt tired. I felt unmotivated. Its because I didn't fill up and chose not to.

Just like a car gets better gas mileage when it has a full tank of gas, and running on fumes is bad for the engine...

Just like you have to add oil to a lantern, replace candles and lightbulbs, and they shine brighter when they are full and when they are new...

"Now, today, do you choose to live by the light that shines in your window because of what others are doing [through Him], or do you choose to turn on the light inside [of you] and seek the Source of the Light (God)? Everyday is a choice. You can turn it on, leave it on, and let it burn out if you don't continue to seek more of Him. If your light is running low and growing dim, Don't run on fumes! You have to choose, and you have to choose to let Him shine into you so you can continue to shine into others. Don't dare to try to keep shining without letting Him shine into you first. What will you share then? Nothing but a pool of wax from a once-bright candle."

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